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Bringing Frankfurt's Startup Ecosystem together

StartHub Hessen becomes a sponsor of Frankfurt Valley to support project scaling.

Frankfurt Valley, a central platform to discover and interact with Hessen´s startups, corporates, investors, policymakers, and other meaningful organizations, paired up with StartHub Hessen, as part of the state’s economic development organization Hessen Trade and Invest, to be main sponsor of the platform to support project scaling in 2021.

It's a very important step to bring some validation and consolidation into Frankfurt Valley´s mission and business model, opening now higher possibilities for this fast-growing community to scale, as Pedro Ferreira, the initiator of FV points: “We couldn´t be more happier about sharing this information, since we believe that by having such a great partnership, we are not only validating our mission and vision, but indeed building a relationship and strengthening both our ecosystem but as well our partner´s, in this case StartHub Hessen”.

The partnership will indeed foster more collaboration into future events, but as well on scouting relevant topics, discussion points and stakeholders to involve in 2021.

In the upcoming weeks, months, this may be more visible, as Swen Wegner, Managing Director of Mainstage Incubator adds: “This partnership will be extended both for Frankfurt Valley and Mainstage Incubator, and we will focus on keeping our efforts in supporting External startups to land in our region and our local heroes to scale abroad. It's a great trust sign, a first step, but we keep looking forward to onboarding additional business partners and sponsors so that we all scale 10x faster”.  

Alexander Grau, ecosystem manager at StartHub Hessen, shares these views and reinforces: “We’re lucky to be part of a fast-growing ecosystem with lots of potential in talents and innovation. Frankfurt Valley tackles the challenge to draw attention to our ecosystem and its players - as well as the path-breaking innovations being made here”. 

About future milestones, Pedro Ferreira says: “Onboarding the first Platinum Partner was key, and we will focus on raising the bar for 2021. We want to deliver more and better experiences to our community, and as well, strength identified bridges in multiple regions from Asia, to America, including Europe obviously. ” 

To do so, Swen Wegner, adds: ”Our community and stakeholders can expect more bilateral relationships and our ongoing commitment to bring innovation, new formats to the table, as well as to partner with existing ones to make everyone stronger”. As results of the past few months work, the Frankfurt Valley Website has been improving the UX but as well the content available and you can check it all here: 

Also,as  previously announced, the platform launched their very own apps that can be downloaded here:



Ansprechpartner Herr Pedro Ferreira
Founder of Frankfurt Valley

Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH
Technologieland Hessen

  • Mainzer Str. 118
    65189 Wiesbaden
    Tel +49 611 95017-8672

  • Logo Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Wohnen Projektträger: Logo Hessen Trade & Invest